Innovarium has many complementary but separate elements that have their own unique identity and focus.

If Innovarium is the engine, the elements are the inputs or parts. Each part in a car is important, but the car can’t function at its best unless all the parts are connected and calibrated.
We are already seeing how bringing together different ideas, elements, and people to work collaboratively is enabling our objectives faster and with better outcomes.
Core elements
The core elements are organization-wide and available to support all Providence staff, medical staff, and external partners.

Ideas: Forward
A place for all staff to go when they have a great idea but are not sure how to make it a reality.
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Providence Research’s innovation arm advances important research ideas by connecting the right individuals, academic institutions, governments, and companies.
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PHC Ventures
A subsidiary of PHC that co-develops health solutions, forges unconventional partnerships, facilitates consulting relationships with PHC clinicians, and invests in health start-ups, generating proceeds that can be reinvested back into PHC and the health system.
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The core elements work closely with and complement many other innovation elements across PHC. These specialized elements provide focused innovation support for specific groups of staff or specific types of initiatives.
Department of Medicine Innovation Platform
Practice-based Research Challenge
Knowledge Translation Challenge
Planetary Health Awards
Physician Innovation Team
Quality Improvement
Clinical Informatics Team (Cerner)
Value Based Health-Care Team (VBHC)